EU to offer Kyoto compromise in Cancun
The EU will agree to a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol, provided a number of reforms are made to the international agreement and it is accompanied by a parallel second treaty that covers those countries that currently have no legal obligations under Kyoto. |
India can play key role at Cancun: US
"India had a very important role last year in Copenhagen, and I think India will have a very important role this year, particularly if we have a chance of getting anywhere," US Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern told reporters Monday. |
Global Impact Of EU 30 Pct Carbon Cut Small:IEA
New European Union proposals for a tough cut in carbon dioxide emissions would have only a limited impact on the global warming process, International Energy Agency chief economist told Reuters on Monday. |
EU Says May Unveil CO2 Credit Curb Plan In Cancun
The European Commission said on Monday a proposal to limit the use of some carbon credits from industrial gas projects in its emissions trading scheme might be unveiled during a United Nations climate summit in Mexico next week. |
Confident of progress at climate change conference: UN
Looking ahead to the United Nations climate change conference beginning in Cancún next week, a senior official with the world body said on Monday that talks could yield real results but was cautious to keep expectations realistic. |
China says climate compromise needed at Cancun
Participants in next week's U.N. climate conference in Mexico need to agree on financing and technology transfer arrangements to help developing nations reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, China's climate envoy said Tuesday. |
China calls on US to take lead at climate talks
China called on the United States on Tuesday to step up and ensure climate change talks opening next week make progress, as the world's top two carbon emitters remain divided over the issue. |
Marii investitori ai lumii cer semnarea unui acord climatic la Cancun
Investitorii de top la nivel mondial cer sefilor de guverne si presedintilor care vor fi prezenti in decembrie la summit-ul de la Cancun sa ajunga la un acord climatic global. In caz contrar, sustin acestia, ne vom confrunta cu o recesiune mai grava decat recenta criza economica, potrivit ”The Guardian”. |
Numaratoare inversa pentru summit-ul climatic COP 16, de la Cancun
Politicieni si experti din intreaga lume se vor reuni saptamana viitoare la Cancun, in Mexic, la conferinta COP16 a Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite, intr-o incercare de a ajunge la un acord climatic global. Aceasta este considerata ultima sansa pentru prelungirea protocolului de la Kyoto cu o noua intelegere globala, dupa ce conferinta COP15 de la Copenhaga a fost un esec. |
In 2010, planeta depaseste recordul la emisii
Nivelul emisiilor de dioxid de carbon din atmosfera la nivel global va atinge un record in 2010, in ciuda unei mici scaderi anul trecut, din cauza dependentei de carbon a economiilor Chinei, Indiei si altor state emergente, potrivit unui grup de oameni de stiinta citati de Reuters. |
Credibilitatea negocierilor climatice intre natiuni se testeaza la Cancun
Discutiile pe teme climatice de la Cancun vor fi ultima sansa a natiunilor sa convina asupra unor chestiuni delicate precum transferul de tehnologie si sa testeze credibilitatea negocierilor climatice intre tari, a declarat, ieri, intr-o conferinta la New Delhi, ministrul indian al Mediului, Jairam Ramesh, citeaza Reuters. |