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05.12.2010 No decision now on second commitment to Kyoto Protocol: Figueres
“The challenge is also to go beyond the stated positions of various countries and look for areas of compromise”
Accesări: 196
05.12.2010 COP 16: UE acorda jumatate de miliard de euro Chinei pentru combaterea schimbarilor climatice
Banca Europeana de Investitii (BEI), bratul financiar al Uniunii Europene, a anuntat astazi ca aproape jumatate de miliard de euro vor fi varsati Chinei ca forma de ajutor pentru lupta impotriva schimbarilor climatice.
Accesări: 142
04.12.2010 Calderon asks Latin America to back Cancun climate summit
Mar del Plata, Argentina - Mexican President Felipe Calderon on Saturday asked Latin America to support the UN climate summit taking place in Cancun, Mexico.
Accesări: 215
04.12.2010 Hope for Cancun climate talks
India hopes to be a "bridge player" and help break a deadlock between advanced and developing nations over how to fight climate change, the country's environment minister said Friday.
Accesări: 182
03.12.2010 India to change climate stance, allow international scrutiny
NEW DELHI: Environment minister Jairam Ramesh looks set to make a bold deviation from the country's formal stance on climate change talks to suggest that developing countries should agree upfront to a detailed plan for international scrutiny of their mitigation actions without waiting for developed countries to reveal their hand.
Accesări: 232
03.12.2010 India hopes to break deadlock at Cancun climate talks
NEW DELHI — India hopes to be a "bridge player" and help break a deadlock between advanced and developing nations over how to fight climate change, the country's environment minister said Friday.
Accesări: 183
03.12.2010 EU lends China 500 mln euro to fight climate change
The European Union's financing arm, the European Investment Bank, said on Friday it had granted a 500 million euro loan to China to help it mitigate climate change through alternative energy investments.
Accesări: 238
03.12.2010 Chinese negotiator urges more dialogues in Cancun
More dialogues are needed for achieving a balanced outcome of the ongoing UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 16) here, China's chief climate change negotiator said.
Accesări: 222
03.12.2010 Incalzirea globala, cauza iernilor foarte reci din Europa
Vremea extrem de rece si ninsorile care au paralizat Europa saptamana aceasta ar putea avea legatura cu incalzirea globala, conform teoriei lansate de un grup de climatologi germani, citati de site-ul de stiinta
Accesări: 140
03.12.2010 10 motive pentru care negocierile de la Cancun vor esua
Negocierile summit-ului climatic de la Cancun avanseaza din ce in ce mai anevoios, iar, la numai cateva zile de la inceperea discutiilor, din ce in ce mai multe voci vorbesc despre un inevitabil esec. Mark Gunther, jurnalist specializat in business si sustenabilitate la publicatia de mediu, enumera zece motive pentru care negocierile de la Cancun nu vor avea niciun rezultat.
Accesări: 182
02.12.2010 US, China close in on accord on key climate issue
CANCUN, Mexico – The United States and China appeared close to agreement Wednesday on a key issue that has troubled climate change negotiations, boosting prospects that talks on global warming will score their first success in years.
Accesări: 259
02.12.2010 Mexico pushes for deal at Cancun climate talks
Mexico is using its influence as host of the United Nations climate conference in Cancun, to push for a binding deal on carbon emissions among leaders gathered from around the globe.
Accesări: 212
02.12.2010 Global heavyweights show flexibility in Cancún, says chief negotiator
The world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters have shown during initial talks in Cancún that they have come to the table willing to negotiate, according to head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Accesări: 238
02.12.2010 Developing nations say Japan blocks climate talks
(Reuters) - Developing countries accused Japan on Wednesday of breaking a pledge to extend a U.N. pact for fighting global warming beyond 2012 and said that climate talks in Mexico would fail unless Tokyo backed down.
Accesări: 218
02.12.2010 ONU cere interzicerea becurilor incandescente pe tot globul
Traditionalele becuri cu incandescenta ar trebui interzise deoarece consuma prea multa energie, recomanda un raport al ONU prezentat la conferinta de la Cancun (COP16), citat de „The Telegraph”. Raportul da ca exemplu Uniunea Europeana, unde becurile incandescente de 75 si 100 de wati sunt deja interzise.
Accesări: 212
02.12.2010 COP 16 Summit-ul de la Cancun, cosmar logistic pentru delegati si jurnalisti
Daca negocierile climatice de anul trecut, de la Copenhaga s-au dovedit un haos organizatoric, cu mii de oameni lasati pe dinafara salilor de conferinte si uitati afara, in zapada, la Cancun lucrurile merg, pana acum, la fel de prost, comenteaza ”The Guardian”.
Accesări: 172
02.12.2010 COP 16: Japonia refuza innoirea Protocolului de la Kyoto
Negocierile din cadrul summit-ului climatic de la Cancun au ajuns ieri in impas dupa ce delegatia Japoniei a anuntat ca refuza sa semneze un tratat care sa inlocuiasca Protocolul de la Kyoto, transmite „The Independent”.
Accesări: 150
01.12.2010 Mexican leader: Move on from climate blame game
CANCUN, Mexico (AP) - Stuck in a blame game led by "big players" U.S. and China, the rest of the world should take on the climate crisis more aggressively "with or without them," says Mexican President Felipe Calderon.
Accesări: 543
01.12.2010 Japan Refuses to Extend Kyoto Protocol in Push for Global Emissions Treaty
Japan said it won’t help extend the Kyoto Protocol accord to curb greenhouse-gas emissions after it expires in 2012, saying that instead a new global agreement is necessary to combat climate change.
Accesări: 302
01.12.2010 Rezolutia PE privind tinta de 30% de reducere a emisiilor, semnal politic pentru Cancun
Angajamentul Uniunii Europene de asumare a unui obiectiv de 30% privind reducerea gazelor cu efect de sera (GES) reprezinta un argument puternic in urmatoarea etapa a negocierilor internationale, potrivit Ministerului Mediului si Padurilor. La solicitarea ”Green Report” de a comenta rezolutia Parlamentului European din 25 noiembrie privind cresterea tintei, reprezentantii institutiei au pus accentul pe importanta documentului in luarea unor decizii la nivel global.
Accesări: 171
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