UN chief urges developing countries to pool resources to fight poverty
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Sunday urged developing countries to pool their knowledge and resources to speed up progress towards the internationally agreed poverty reduction targets by 2015.“Developing countries that pool know-how, exchange ideas and coordinate plans can attain much greater gains than they ever would on their own”, the UN chief said in a message to mark the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation. |
SA sets sights on climate targets
The biggest problem at the recent United Nations climate talks in Cancún was getting the United States on board, Edna Molewa, South Africa's environment minister, said. |
California gives green light to carbon trade
SACRAMENTO (Reuters) – California on Thursday approved rules for a multibillion-dollar carbon market, in what proponents hope and detractors fear will be a turning point for the United States toward building a national program to address global warming. |
Медведям хватит льда
Сокращение популяции белых медведей может быть остановлено. Опубликованная в Nature работа американских ученых опровергает негативные сценарии кардинального сокращения площади полярных льдов, которое, как предполагалось, сократит численность медведей на две трети уже к середине века. |
Green fund to come next year
Bangladesh will receive money from Green Climate Fund next year to enhance the country's adaptation to climate change, Hasan Mahmud, state minister for forest and environment, said yesterday. |
U.N. talks up pressure on Australia's climate target
(Reuters) - Australia's fragile government is under increasing pressure to deepen its target to cut carbon emissions after U.N. climate talks in Mexico ended with an agreement to step up the fight against global warming. |
Japan to keep seeking wider climate pact than Kyoto
TOKYO - Japan will continue to push for a broad climate treaty, that would include major greenhouse gas emitters China and the United States, as an accord reached last week in Mexico left the door open to such a possibility, its environment minister said. |
Business takes the lead on fighting climate change
It is easy to be disheartened by the failure at Cancun to take major steps towards an international agreement on fighting climate change. Despite apparent broad consensus on the threat that global warming poses and the need for urgent action, short-term national interest is still being put before the long-term collective good. |
Romania va acorda Moldovei 100 milioane de euro pentru proiecte de mediu
Romania a decis sa aloce 100 milioane de euro Republicii Moldova, suma ce reprezinta contributia tarii noastre la finantarea internationala timpurie („fast start finance”) pentru combaterea schimbarilor climatice in statele aflate in curs de dezvoltare, a anuntat ministrul Mediului si Padurilor, Laszlo Borbely. |
COP16: Economiile Chinei si SUA, la control
Una dintre principalele prevederi ale acordului climatic international semnat la Cancun se refera la inspectia economiilor Chinei, SUA si a altor state cu emisii foarte ridicate, potrivit The Guardian. |
Страны достигли соглашения в Канкуне, но вопросы торговли оказались слишком тяжелыми
Сделка свершилась. Многие наблюдатели полагали, что на двухнедельной Конференции сторон Рамочной Конвенции ООН об изменении климата (РКИК) в Канкуне страны не смогут договориться по большинству вопросов. Не исключалась возможность достижения общей позиции по лесу или по соглашению о финансировании. В конечном итоге низкие ожидания и мягкая атмосфера Конференции создали делегациям благоприятные условия для продвижения вперед. Уже в четверг, 9 декабря 2010 г., в кулуарах конференц-центра курорта Moon Palace ходили слухи, что министры добились прогресса в ключевых областях и что достижение всеобъемлющего соглашения может оказаться достижимой целью. |
Rusia refuza prelungirea Protocolului de la Kyoto
Rusia se opune reinnoirii Protocolului de la Kyoto si nu va semna o prelungire a tratatului climatic, a declarat ieri oficialul rus de la Cancun, Alexander Bedritsky, citat de Agentia Ria Novosti. |
Premierul britanic, multumit de rezultatul COP16
Premierul britanic, David Cameron, a declarat ca este multumit de acordul climatic semnat la Cancun, care obliga statele bogate sa acorde anual asistenta financiara de miliarde de dolari tarilor sarace pentru ca acestea sa faca fata schimbarilor climatice, dar care amana angajamentele de reducere a emisiilor, potrivit “The Telegraph”. |
COP 16: Ce prevede acordul climatic de la Cancun?
La finele celor doua saptamani ale summit-ului climatic ONU, de la Cancun, cele aproape 200 de state participante au adoptat un acord de compromis, menit sa lase deschise negocierile in vederea semnarii unui acord legal obligatoriu de reducere a emisiilor anul viitor, in cadrul summit-ului COP 17, din Africa de Sud. |
COP16: Acordul de la Cancun salveaza credibilitatea ONU
Intelegerea modesta la care au ajuns statele participante la summit-ul climatic al ONU de la Cancun este privita ca o victorie de catre unii participanti, reusind, in opinia lor, sa salveze atat procesul negocierilor pentru un tratat climatic international, cat si credibilitatea ONU. Cu toate acestea, ramane sub semnul intrebarii masura in care noua intelegere va reusi sa protejeze planeta de schimbarile climatice, potrivit “The Guardian”. |
Reactii COP 16: ”Acord imperfect, dar bun”
Noul acord semnat la Cancun reprezinta o victorie majora in primul rand pentru Statele Unite, care au venit la COP 16 fara sa ofere nimic deoarece presedintele Obama nu reuseste de doi ani sa convinga Congresul sa adopte pachetul legislativ de masuri anti-climatice, relateaza ”Te Guardian” intr-un material dedicat reactiilor politice la rezlutatul negocierilor. |
COP16: Maratonul negocierilor de la Cancun, soldat cu un acord climatic
Summit-ul climatic ONU de la Cancun s-a incheiat cu un progres modest in ce priveste masurile de lupta impotriva schimbarilor climatice. Cele 193 de state participante au cazut de acord sa creeze un nou fond de ajutorare a statelor sarace, insa au amanat dezbaterea celor mai controversate probleme pentru summit-ul de anul viitor, din Africa de Sud, reateaza Reuters. |