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26.01.2011 Offset Ban Will Boost Demand for Africa Carbon Projects, UN Says
The European Union’s ban on carbon credit imports linked to some industrial gases will boost demand for Clean Development Mechanism projects in Africa, a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change official said.
Accesări: 435
25.01.2011 Efforts to Fight Climate Change Revive Optimism
For years, China was seen as a major obstacle to global efforts to combat climate change because of its refusal to reduce emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 263
25.01.2011 ClimateGate affair: 'Learn and move on', say MPs
Inquiries into issues raised by 2009's climate e-mail hack did have flaws, a committee of MPs concludes.
Accesări: 296
25.01.2011 Un urs polar a înotat timp de nouă zile, aproape 700km, în căutarea gheţii
Un urs polar a înotat continuu timp de nouă zile pe o distanţă de 687km, a dezvăluit un nou studiu.
Accesări: 190
24.01.2011 Forest accords not saving trees, experts
NEW YORK — International accords on saving vulnerable forests are having little impact because they do not attack the core causes such as growing demand for biofuels and food crops, a new report said.
Accesări: 307
23.01.2011 U.N. climate plans said too narrow to save forests
(Reuters) - World efforts to slow deforestation should do more to address underlying causes such as rising demand for crops or biofuels, widening from a U.N. focus on using trees to fight climate change, a study said Monday.
Accesări: 319
22.01.2011 Zece locuri care vor disparea din cauza schimbarilor climatice
Unele locuri de pe Pamant sunt in pericol sa dispara din cauza incalzirii globale, care atrage dupa sine fenomene meteo extreme in diferite colturi ale lumii, potrivit
Accesări: 721
20.01.2011 2010, cel mai cald an înregistrat vreodată, confirmă ONU şi NASA
Organizaţia Mondială de Meteorologie (OMM) a confirmat joi că 2010 a fost anul cu cele mai înalte temperaturi înregistrate vreodată, confirmând o tendinţă "semnificativă" a încălzirii climei pe termen lung, informează AFP.
Accesări: 189
20.01.2011 New climate data shows warming world: WMO
GENEVA (Reuters) – Last year tied for the hottest year on record, confirming a long-term warming trend which will continue unless greenhouse gas emissions are cut, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Thursday.
Accesări: 333
20.01.2011 2010 hits global temperature high
2010 was the warmest year since global temperature records began in 1850 - although margins of uncertainty make it a statistical tie with 1998 and 2005.
Accesări: 261
20.01.2011 Schimbarile climatice dauneaza companiilor de asigurari
Un sondaj efectuat de ONU arata ca importante companii financiare de pe glob se plang ca nu au suficiente informatii despre schimbarile climatice.
Accesări: 195
19.01.2011 UAE energy plan a model for the Gulf
ABU DHABI // UAE efforts to minimise its contribution to climate change could serve as a model for the rest of the Gulf, says the UN diplomat heading up efforts to reach a global climate deal.
Accesări: 244
19.01.2011 Climate change to spur crop shortages, study claims
The world may be 2.4 degrees warmer by the end of this decade, and that could have deadly consequences for global food production, according to a new study overseen by Nobel Prize-winning climate scientist Osvaldo Canziani.
Accesări: 279
18.01.2011 Global warming: Impact of receding snow and ice surprises scientists
The seasonal cooling effect of light-reflecting snow and ice in the Northern Hemisphere may be weakening at twice the rate predicted by climate models, a new study shows, accelerating the impact of global warming.
Accesări: 379
18.01.2011 Climate fight 'can boost recovery'
Addressing climate change could contribute to the recovery of the global economy, said Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.
Accesări: 228
18.01.2011 1.6 bn people still have no access to electricity: UN
New York, Jan 18 (DPA) The UN has called for a clean energy revolution that would provide electricity to the world population, including the 1.6 billion people who currently have no access to it.
Accesări: 229
18.01.2011 Imperiul Roman, invins de schimbarile climatice
Schimbarile climatice ar putea fi responsabile de decaderea imperiului roman, sustin oamenii de stiinta de la Institutul elvetian de Cercetare pentru Paduri, Zapada si Peisaj. Acestia au ajuns la aceasta concluzie dupa ce au studiat inelele de pe sectiunea transversala a copacilor seculari pentru a face legatura intre schimbarile climatice si marile evenimente din istoria omenirii, precum migratiile, epidemiile si aparitia si decaderea imperiilor.
Accesări: 143
17.01.2011 Expiry of Kyoto fails to inspire urgency in climate talks
Government representatives from around the world convened in Cancun, Mexico late last year for the UN climate change negotiations in an effort to reach agreement on a successor regime to the Kyoto protocol, which expires next year.
Accesări: 218
17.01.2011 China powers ahead to cut emissions
WE have had a terrible reminder of just how disastrous weather events can be.
Accesări: 376
17.01.2011 Heated debate for Durban
The Seventeenth Conference of the Parties (COP 17) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will be held in Durban in December.
Accesări: 168
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