De ce creşte gheaţa din Antarctica?
Cercetătorii cred că au rezolvat paradoxul cu privire la creşterea masei de gheaţă din Antarctica într-o perioadă de încălzire globală. |
EU - U.S. To Hold Summit In Portugal In November
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union and United States will hold a summit in Portugal in November, the EU and the White House said on Tuesday, offering an opportunity to rebuild ties strained by the cancellation of their last meeting. |
Extreme weather may be signs of climate change
Floods, fires, melting ice and feverish heat: From smoke-choked Moscow to water-soaked Iowa and the High Arctic, the planet seems to be having a midsummer breakdown. It's not just a portent of things to come, scientists say, but a sign of troubling climate change already under way. |
2009, primul an al scaderilor de emisii la nivel mondial
Criza mondiala si investitiile masive in energii regenerabile au scazut emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera la nivel mondial cu 1,3%, ajungand la un total de 31,3 miliarde de tone in 2009. Este vorba de primul an cand se inregistreaza un astfel de declin al emisiilor globale, se arata intr-o analiza a institutului german pentru energii regenerabile IWR, citata de Reuters. |
Fenomenele meteorologice extreme de pe glob ar putea fi legate între ele
Milioane de oameni din Pakistan suferă de pe urma unor inundaţii catastrofale, Rusia se luptă cu cea mai severă caniculă din istorie, America de Sud are parte de o iarnă foarte grea, iar un uriaş iceberg, mare cât Manhattanul, s-a desprins de Groenlanda. Climatologii se întreabă dacă nu cumva toate aceste fenomene au legătură între ele. |
China says still No.2 energy user - Xinhua
China reiterated on Wednesday that it remained the world's No.2 energy user with last year's consumption more than 200 million tonnes of standard oil equivalent below that of the United States, the official Xinhua news agency reported. |
Republic of Moldova’s Greenhouse Gas Inventories in the Framework of its SNC
The Republic of Moldova began preparing its Second National Communication (SNC) in Nov 2005. Since the submission of its Initial National Communication (INC) in 2000, major structural changes occurred in key sectors of the country’s economy while the system of collecting and processing statistical data has significantly improved. |
Аномальную погоду климатологи связывают с изменением течений в океане
Аномальные погодные условия - жара, засуха, наводнения, которые воцарились этим летом на территории от Европы до Пакистана - возвращают человечество к перспективам климатических изменений, связанных с изменением течений "Эль-Ниньо" и "Ла-Нинья", сообщает агентство Франс Пресс со ссылкой на заявление Межправительственной группы экспертов по климату (IPCC). |