JinkoSolar becomes third Chinese company to record negative Q3
Chinese photovoltaic (PV) manufacturer JinkoSolar made a non-GAAP net loss of RMB 247.9m ($38.9m) in the third quarter of 2011, after having made a second quarter income of RMB286.5m ($45m) in the previous three months and positive RMB259.5m ($41m) in the third quarter 2010. |
JinkoSolar becomes third Chinese company to record negative Q3
Chinese photovoltaic (PV) manufacturer JinkoSolar made a non-GAAP net loss of RMB 247.9m ($38.9m) in the third quarter of 2011, after having made a second quarter income of RMB286.5m ($45m) in the previous three months and positive RMB259.5m ($41m) in the third quarter 2010. |
Proiectele eoliene au trezit interesul bancherilor
Odata cu acordul primit de Romania din partea Comisiei Europene în privinta legii de sprijinire a investitiilor în energii regenerabile, prin acordarea de stimulente sub forma certificatelor verzi, bancile si-au orientat atentia catre finantarea productiei de energie din surse regenerabile, în special catre cea eoliana. Din datele continute în studiul „Energia eoliana în Romania”, realizat de TPA Horwath si Schoenherr si Asociatii SCA, proiectele eoliene dezvoltate pana acum în Romania au primit din partea unor institutii de profil finantari de aproximativ 370 de milioane de euro. |
Proiecte din peste 100 de tari se lupta pentru castigarea Energy Globe Awards (VIDEO)
Energy Globe World Award, cele mai importante premii acordate anual in domeniul sustenabilitatii si dezvoltarii durabile se apropie cu pasi repezi. Ceremonia de decernare a premiilor are loc vineri, 25 noiembrie la Wels, in Austria. Peste 100 de tari cu tot atatea proiecte din continentele Africa, Asia, Europa, Australia si America de Nord se lupta pentru castigarea celor mai importante premii pentru sustenabilitate. |
Suzlon receives 23MW turbine order from GAIL
India-based wind energy company Suzlon has received an order from gas utility GAIL to supply turbines for two projects with a capacity of 23MW in the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka in India. |
Suzlon receives 23MW turbine order from GAIL
India-based wind energy company Suzlon has received an order from gas utility GAIL to supply turbines for two projects with a capacity of 23MW in the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka in India. |
Nordex wins 35 turbine order in Iowa
The US arm of European wind energy company Nordex has an order from developer RPM Access for 35 turbines with a combined capacity of 87.5MW. |
JinkoSolar wins 5MW UK order
Chinese solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturer JinkoSolar has won a contract to supply panels for a 5MW facility to be constructed in the UK. |
Soitec forms JV with Reflexite to produce CPV modules
French cleantech developer Soitec and US electronic component supplier Reflexite Energy Solutions have entered into a joint venture to produce silicone-on-glass lens plates used in Soitec’s concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules. |