Sectorul fotovoltaic sustinut cu bani de acasa
Romania are un potential crescut in energie regenerabila si, in special, in domeniul fotovoltaic, iar investitorii au inteles primii acest lucru. Multi dintre acestia, care au demarat proiecte in sectorul energiei fotovoltaice, au preferat sa-si finanteze investitiile din surse financiare proprii. |
Global CO2 Emissions Jumped 3% in 2011
Global emissions of carbon dioxide increased by three percent last year, reaching an all-time high of 34 billion metric tons in 2011, according to a report by The European Commission Joint Research Centre and PBL, the Netherlands’ environmental assessment agency. |
EC approves UK carbon emissions trading platform
The European Commission has approved the UK’s national auction platform signalling the go ahead for the trading of emission allowances – including from aviation – under the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS). |