27 de milioane euro pentru E-SRE
Producatorii de energie din surse regenerabile (E-SRE) au primit in luna ianuarie 2012 Certificate Verzi (CV) in valoare de circa 26,8 milioane de euro, in crestere cu 470% fata de perioada similara a anului trecut, cand valoarea certificatelor acordate insuma 4,7 milioane euro. Potrivit datelor Transelectrica, in prima luna a anului au fost acordate 487.392 CV, fata de 85.794 acordate in ianuarie 2011. |
Monsson experimenteaza noi surse
Monsson, cel mai mare dezvoltator de parcuri eoliene din Romania, si-a anuntat interesul si pentru alte tipuri de energie alternative in special pentru sectoarele hidro si fotovoltaic. |
Statul investeste in eoliene
Companiile din sectorul energetic avand ca principal actionar Statul Roman au inceput primele investitii in sectorul eolian. Hidroelectrica, detinuta de statul roman in proportie de 80%, face primii pasi spre diversificarea surselor de producere a energiei verzi, printr-o investitie intr-un parc eolian cu o putere instalata de 15 MW, in zona Siretului, a declarat pentru Green Report, directorul general al companiei, Dragos Zachia-Zlatea. |
Bani pe vant
Dorinta de a obtine independenta energetica, dar si ambitia de a capata mult ravnitele etichete “verzi” determina marile companii, din intreaga lume, sa investeasca sume considerabile in vant, soare sau apa. |
Vestas launches next-generation offshore turbine
Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas has launched its next-generation offshore turbine, the V164-7MW, a specially designed turbine to withstand the roughest North Sea conditions and ensure the lowest possible cost of energy. |
LDK Solar acquires majority stake in Solar Power
LDK Solar, a manufacturer of photovoltaic products, has finalised its acquisition of a 70 per cent interest in the photovoltaic solar developer, Solar Power (SPI), for approximately $33m. |
EPA emissions regulation vote postponed
The Senate’s vote on whether to dilute or halt the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) greenhouse gas regulations has been delayed, according to reports. |
SMA predicts flat or shrinking solar market
SMA Solar, Germany’s largest solar company, saw its sales double in 2010, but warned the solar market will be flat or may even decline in 2011 thanks to falling subsidies. |